I am using the art of Ismael Rac which you can find HERE
I am using the FTU kit Awareness by Heike which you can find HERE
Font of Choice
Open a new image 400x400
Open Element57 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 50 and Sharpen
Click inside your frame with your magic wand
Selections - Modify - Expand by 3
Open Paper9 and Paste on your Canvas
Image - Resize by 60 and Sharpen
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Move under your frame
Open the tube you are using and Paste on your Canvas
Resize if necessary
Place inside the frame
Layers - Duplicate and hide for now
Click inside the frame with your magic wand again
Selections - Modify - Expand by 3
Selections - Invert - Delete on the tube layer
Move under the frame
Un-hide the duplicated tube layer and send to the top
Grab your eraser tool and erase any over hanging parts of the tube
Open Element47 and Paste on your Canvas
Image - Mirror
Image - Resize by 20 and Sharpen More
Place on the bottom of the frame
Image - Rotate - Free Rotate - Right 90
Image - Mirror and Place on the top right of the frame
Open Element 63 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 40 and Sharpen
Place on the top left of the frame
Duplicate and resize by 80
Place under the original and merge these layers together
Open Element 69 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 30 and Sharpen
Place on the left side of the frame
Duplicate and resize by 80
Place on the right of the frame
Give all layers a Drop Shadow
Merge layers Visible
Resize if Necessary
Add Correct Copyright and Licence Numbers
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Saturday, 27 February 2010
Basheff Fairytale
I am using the art of Artzy Basheff which you can get HERE
Please do NOT use this image unless you have the correct licence to do so, you can obtain a licence HERE
I am using the PTU kit FairyTale by Tantalizing Designz which you can find HERE
Font of Choice
Open a new image 400x400
Open Frame2 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 60 and Sharpen
Place in the centre of your canvas
Click inside the frame with your magic wand
Selections - Modify - Expand by 3
Open the tube you are using and resize if necessary
Place inside the frame
Selections - invert - Delete - Select None
Move under the frame
Paste the tube again on your Canvas
Resize if the original was
Place exactly over the original and bring to the top
Erase any over hanging parts of the tube
Click inside the frame again with your magic wand
Selections - Modify - Expand by 3
Open Paper10 and Paste on your Canvas
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Move under your frame layer and original tube layer
Lower the Opacity to 70
Open Butterfly1 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 20 and Sharpen
Place on the left hand side of your frame
Open Flower5 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 40 and Sharpen
Place on the right of the Canvas
Open Tagwribbon and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 50 and Sharpen
Place under the flower
Give every layer a Drop Shadow apart from the duplicated tube
Merge all layers Visible
Resize if Necessary
Add Correct Copyright and Licence Numbers
Friday, 26 February 2010
Mermaid Bettie
I am using the art of Armando Huerta which you can find HERE
Please do NOT use this image unless you have the right licence to do so, you can obtain a licence HERE
This was a Free Tube by MPT
I am using the PTU kit Beauty of the Beach by Crazed which you can find HERE
Mask of Choice
Font of Choice
Open a new image 400x400
Open Frame 5 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 60 and Sharpen
Place in the centre of your Canvas
Click inside the frame with your magic wand
Selections - Modify - Expand by 3
Open Paper 2 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 60 - Sharpen
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Move this under the frame layer
Open the tube you are using and Paste on your Canvas
Resize if necessary
Place inside your frame and erase any over hanging parts
My tube had a nipple showing so i opened Brad1
I pasted onto my Canvas and Resized by 10 - Sharpened and placed over her nipple
Open Butterfly 1 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 30 and Sharpen
Place on the left of the frame
Duplicate and place below the original
Merge these layers together
Open Flower 5 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 30 and Sharpen
Place on the right of the Canvas
Duplicate and place under the original
Merge these layers together
Open Starfishtag 1 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 40 and Sharpen
Place below the duplicated flower
Open Paper15 and Paste on your Canvas
Send to the bottom and add a mask of Choice
Merge Group
Add a Drop Shadow to every layer
Merge layers Visible
Resize if necessary
Add Correct Copyright and Licence Numbers
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Black n White Guerra
Artwork ©Anthony Guerra
In order to use the image in this tutorial you MUST purchase it from CILM
I am using the art of Anthony Guerra which you can find HERE
I am using the PTU kit Amazing Alice Cullen by Laura which you can find HERE
Mask of Choice
Font of Choice
Open a new image 400x400
Open Frame 6 and Paste on your Canvas
Image - Resize by 60 and Sharpen
Place in the centre of your canvas
Click inside the frame with your magic wand
Selections - Modify - Expand by 3
Open Paper1 and Paste on your Canvas
Place in your frame
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Move under the frame
Click inside the frame with your magic wand
Selections - Modify - Expand by 3
Open a close up of the tube you are using
Place in the frame - Resizing if needed
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Move under the frame
Change the blend mode to Luminanace
Open Jewel Butterfly and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 30 and Sharpen
Image - Mirror
Place on the top left side of the frame
Open Winged Butterfly and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 10 and Sharpen More
Place above the frame on the left hand side
Open Flower3 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 20 and Sharpen More
Place on the left hand side of the frame
Duplicate and place underneath
Duplicate again and Mirror
Place on the right
Open Label2 and Paste on your Canvas
Image - Mirror
Resize by 30 and Sharpen
Place on the bottom left of the frame
Open your main tube and place her on the right of the frame
Give everything a drop shadow
Merge layers visible
Resize if neeeded
Add Correct Copyright and Licence Numbers
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
The Rac Goddess
I am using the art of Ismael Rac which you can find HERE
I am using the PTU kit Green Goddess by Funky which you can find HERE
Font of Choice
Open a new image 400x400
Open Frame and Paste on your Canvas
Image - Rotate - Free Rotate - Left by 90
Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 60 and Sharpen
Click inside the frame with your magic wand
Selections - Modify - Expand by 3
Open Bonus Paper 3 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 50 and sharpen
Selections - Invert - Delete
Move under the frame
I erased some of the paper around the frame
Open your tube and Paste on your Canvas
Resize if necessary
Place in the frame and erase any overhanging with your selection tool
Open Photo Matte and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 60 - Sharpen
Send to the bottom of the Canvas
Open Charm and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 70 and Sharpen
Place on the right of your frame
Open Element and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 20 - Sharpen More
Place on the bottom right of the frame
Open Bow and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 30 and Sharpen More
Place on the top right of your frame
Duplicate and place on the left of the frame
Give everything a Drop Shadow
Merge Layers Visible
Resize if necessary
Add Correct Copyright and Licence Numbers
Golden Love
Artwork ©Dominic Marco
In order to use the image in this tutorial you MUST purchase it from CILM
I am using the art of Dominic Marco which you can find HERE
I am using the FTU kit Love is Golden by Laura which you can find HERE
Mask of Choice
Font of Choice
Open a new image 400x400
Open Heart Flower Frame 1 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 40 and Sharpen
Place in the centre of your Canvas
Grab your magic wand and click inside the frame
Selections - Modify - Expand by 3
Open Paper1 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 60 and Sharpen
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Move under your frame
Click inside the frame with your magic wand
Selections - Modify - Expand by 4
Open the tube you are using - Resize if necessary
Place inside the frame
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Move under the frame
Paste the tube again and resize if the original was
Place exactly over the original aned bring to the top
Grab your eraser tool and erase any over hanging parts
Open bow1 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 20 and Sharpen More
Place on the right of the frame
Duplicate and place on the left of the frame
Merge these layers together
Open Element6 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 30 and Sharpen
Place next to the frame on the bottom right hand side
Open ruffle heart2 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 20 and Sharpen More
Place in the middle of the flower on the frame
Open Paper14 and Paste on your Canvas
Send to the bottom and add a mask of choice
Give all layers a Drop Shadow
Merge layers visible
Resize if necessary
Add Correct Copyright n Licence Numbers
Toony Fun
Artwork ©Pinuptoons
In order to use the image in this tutorial you MUST purchase it from CILM
I am using the art of Pinuptoons which you can find HERE
This is a free tube and it doesn't require a license number as they are offered to the psp community, not just CILM customers
If you are a CILM license holder then please do use your license number on the tubes but if you do not already have one then the artists copyright is fine. Anyone is welcome to add - Free CILM gift tube - on the tag as well so there is no confusion as to why a license number is not required.
I am using the PTU kit Bliss-Ville by Vicki which you can find HERE
Font of Choice
Open a new image 400x400
Open frame04 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 60 and Sharpen
Place in the centre of your Canvas
Open the tube you are using and Paste on your Canvas
Resize if necessary
Place in your frame
Grab your eraser tool and erase any over hanging parts of the tube
Click inside your frame with your magic wand
Selections - Modify - Expand by 3
Open paper01 and Paste on your Canvas
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Move under your frame layer
Open glitterdoodle1 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 60 twice and sharpen more
Place above the paper layer
Open blissbird and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 30 and Sharpen
Place to the left of the frame
Open bliss flower02 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 30 and Sharpen
Place on the bottom left of the frame
Layers - Duplicate - Image - Mirror
Merge these layers together
Give everything a Drop Shadow
Merge all layers together
Resize if necessary
Add Correct Copyright and Licence Numbers
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Red n Black Garv
I am using the artof Keith Garvey which you can find HERE
Please do NOT use this image unless you have the proper licence to do so, you can obtain a licence HERE
I am using the PTU kit Tickle My Heart by Kelly which you can find HERE
Font of Choice
Open a new image 400x400
Open Frame4 and Paste n your Canvas
Resize by 60 - Sharpen
Image - Rotate - Free Rotate
90 to the Right
Place in the centre of your Canvas
Open the tube you are using and Paste on your Canvas
Resize if needed and place to the left of the frame
Open Glitter2 and Resize by 60
Paste on your Canvas
Place on the bottom, to the left side
Repeat this step with Glitter1
Place to the right of the canvas
Merge the 2 glitter layers together
Click inside the frame with your magic wand
Selections - Modify - Expand by 4
Open Paper10 and paste on your Canvas
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Move under the frame
Open Pin and Paste on your canvas
Resize by 50 - Sharpen
Place on the top right hand corner of the frame
I erased the pin parts
Open Firecharm1 and Paste on your Canvas
Image - Resize by 20 and Sharpen More
Place on the top left of your frame
Move under your tube layer
Open Label2 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 50 and Sharpen
Place in the centre of the frame
Open Button and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 30 and Sharpen More
Place on the bottom right of the frame
Give everything a Drop Shadow
Merge layers Visible
Resize if necessary
Add Correct Copyright and Licence Numbers
Monday, 15 February 2010
Pink Flower
I am using the art of Keith Garvey which you can find HERE
Please do NOT use this image unless you have the right licence to do so, you can obtain one HERE
I am using the FTU kit Pink n Blue by Shirley which you can find HERE
Font of Choice
Open a new image 400x400
Open Frame1 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 60 and Sharpen
Place in the centre of your Canvas
Click inside the frame with your magic wand
Selections - Modify - Expand by 3
Open Paper3 and Paste on your Canvas
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Move under your frame
Open the tube you are using
Resize if necessary and place inside the frame
Using your selection tool, draw around any excess tube and press delete
Open Flower4 and Paste on your Canvas
Send to the bottom
Resize by 80 and Sharpen
Open Bow1 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 40 and Sharpen
Place on the bottom leftof the frame
Duplicate and resize by 80
Place above
Repeat this twice more
Merge these layers together
Add a Drop Shadow to every layer
Merge Layers Visible and Resize if needed
Add Correct Copyright and Licence info
Fairy Marco
Artwork ©Dominic Marco
In order to use the image in this tutorial you MUST purchase it from CILM
I am using the art of Dominic Marco which you can find HERE
I am using the PTU kit Friendship by Wilma which you can find HERE
Mask of Choice
Font of Choice
Open a new image 400x400
Open Frame2 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 50 and Sharpen
Place in the centre of your Canvas
Open your tube of choice
Place in the frame
Resize if necessary
Get your selection tool and draw around any parts of the tube you don't want and delete
Click inside the frame with your Magic Wand
Selections - Modify - Expand by 4
Open Paper2 and Paste on your Canvas
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Move under the frame and tube layers
Open Butterfly and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 30 and Sharpen More
Place on the right side of the frame
Duplicate and place on the left
Merge these two layers together
Open Decoration1 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 30 and Sharpen More
Place on the bottom left of the frame
Grab your eraser tool and erase some of the clip
Open Doodle1 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 70 and Sharpen
Place at the top of the Canvas
Open Doodle2 and Paste on your Canvas
Also resize by 70 and Sharpen
Place at the bottom
Use your deform tool to angle them slightly
Open Paper4 and Paste on your Canvas
Send to the bottom and add a mask of choice
Merge Group
Give everything a Drop Shadow
Merge Layers Visible
Resize if necessary
Add Correct Copyright and Licence Numbers
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Marco's Lurve Meter
Artwork ©Dominic Marco
In order to use the image in this tutorial you MUST purchase it from CILM
I am using the art of Dominic Marco which you can find HERE
I am using the PTU kit With Love by Stacey which you can find HERE
Mask of Choice
Font of Choice
This is a Quickie!!
Open a new image 400x400
Open Love Meter n Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 50 - Sharpen
Place in the middle to the left side a bit
Open the tube you are using and Paste on your Canvas
Resize if necessary
Place next to the Love Meter
Open Bear n Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 40 - Sharpen More
Place to the left of your tube
Make sure it's under your tube aswell
Open Candles Glasses and Roses n Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 30 - Sharpen More
Place next to your teddy
Open Paper8 n Paste on your Canvas
Send to the bottom
Add a mask of Choice - Merge Group
Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise
Uniform - Noise 60 - Mono Checked
Add a Drop Shadow to every layer
Merge everything together
Resize if needed
Add Correct Copyright and Licence info
Saturday, 13 February 2010
Love is Garv
I am using the art of Keith Garvey which you can find HERE
Please do NOT use this image unless you have the right licence to do so, you can obtain a licence HERE
I am using the PTU kit With Love by Stacey which you can find HERE
Mask of Choice
Font of Choice
Open a new image 400x400
Open Double Frame and Paste on your Canvas
Image - Resize by 70 and Sharpen
Grab your magic wand and click inside both the frame parts
Selections - Modify - Expand by 4
Open your tube and Paste on the Canvas
Resize if necessary
Place on top of the frame and position it
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Move under the frame
Click inside both parts of the frame again with your magic wand
Selections - Modify - Expand by 4
Open Paper1 and Paste on your Canvas
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Move under the frame and tube layers
Open Love Ribbon and Pasteon your Canvas
Resize by 40 and Sharpen
Place on the bottom right of your frame
Delete the ribbon parts and send below the frame
Open Heart Brad and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 20 and Sharpen More
Place on the top left of the frame
Duplicate and place on the lower left hand side of the frame
Merge down
Open Paper10 and Paste on your Canvas
Send to the bottom and add a mask of choice
Merge Group
Add a Drop Shadow to every layer
Merge visible
Resize if necessary
Add Correct Copyright and Licence Numbers
Friday, 12 February 2010
Soft Purple
I am using the art of Ismael Rac which you can find HERE
Please do NOT use this image unless you have the right licence to do so
I am using LGB_skull_TEMP by Jess which you can find HERE
It's the 5th lot of templates when you scroll down
I am using the PTU kit Purple by Angela which you can find HERE
Font of Choice
Open the Template in PSP
Shift - D to duplicate and then close the original
Delete the Copyright, Swirl and the Skull and Crossbones small
Image - Resize all by 64 and Sharpen every layer
Click inside the Circle with your magic wand
Selections - Modify - Expand by 2
Copy and Paste your tube, i used a Close-Up but it's up to you
Resize if necessary
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Paste your tube again - Resize if the original was
Place exactly over the original tube and bring to the top
Erase the bottom of the tube
Click inside the Circle again
Selections - Modify - Expand by 2
Open Paper15 and Paste on your canvas
Selections - Invert - Delete
Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds
Width 2 - Opacity 20 - Colour White
Both boxes checked - OK
Delete the Circle layer
Click on the Skull and Crossbones
Select - Select All - Float - Defloat
Paste Paper07 on your Canvas
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Delete the Skull layer
Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise
Uniform - Noise 60 - Mono Checked
Click on the Large Rectangle
Select - Select All - Float - Defloat
Paste Paper06 on your Canvas
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Delete the Rectangle layer
Click on Gray bars
Select - Select All - Float - Defloat
Paste Paper09 on your Canvas
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Delete the Gray Bars layer
Open Heart1 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 20 and Sharpen More
Place on the top right of the frame
Duplicate and place underneath
Open Heart4 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 20 and Sharpen More
Place on the top left of the frame
Duplicate and place underneath
Open cross_bg_purple and Paste on your Canvas
Move under the bar layers and place in the middle
Resize by 70 and Sharpen
In the layer pallette, click on luminance legacy
Give a Drop Shadow to every layer
Merge Visible
Add Correct Copyright and Licence Numbers
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Thinking of You
I am using the art of Barbara Jensen which you can find HERE
I am using the PTU kit Starlight Starbright by Laura which you can find HERE
Font of Choice
Open a new image 400x400
Open Cluster 4 and Paste on your Canvas
Image - Resize by 50 and Sharpen More
Place in the centre of your Canvas
Grab your magic wand and click inside the frame
Selections - Modify - Expand by 4
Open Paper 16 and Paste on your Canvas
Image - Resize by 60 - Sharpen
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Move underneath your frame
Open Heart 3 and Paste on your Canvas
Image - Resize by 20 and Sharpen More
Place in the centre of your frame
Open the tube you are using and Paste in your frame
I chose a lying down tube but it's completely up to you!
Resize if necessary and erase any over hanging parts of the tube
Sharpen the tube if it's been resized
Open 2star n Paste on your canvas
Resize by 70 and sharpen
Send to the bottom of your canvas
Open Gems
Grab your selection tool and draw around the one you want to use
I used the white one
Paste on your canvas and resize by 60 - Sharpen
Place on the heart on the frame
Duplicate this by 9 and place around the frame
Merge these layers together
Add a drop shadow to every layer
Merge layers visible
Resize if necessary
Add correct Copyright n Licence Numbers
Monday, 8 February 2010
Huerta Love
I am using the art of Armando Huerta which you can find HERE
Plase do NOT use this image unless you have the right licence to do so, you can obtain a licence HERE
I am using the PTU kit Fairy Love by Vicki which you can find HERE
Mask of Choice
Font of Choice
Open a new image 400x400
Open frameo5 and Paste on your Canvas
Image - Resize by 60 and Sharpen
Open the tube you are uaing and paste on your Canvas
Resize if necessary
I increased my tube by 120
Place in the frame and erase any overhanging parts
Click inside the frame again with your magic wand
Selections - Modify - Expand by 4
Open paer05 and Paste on your Canvas
Selections - Invert - Delete - Move under the frame
Open bow05 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 30 and Sharpen More
Place on the left hand side of the frame
Open heartglitter and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 40 and Sharpen More
Place on the bottom of your frame
Use your deform tool to make it straight
Open flower2 and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 40 and Sharpen
Duplicate and resize by 80 - Sharpen
Place both on the right hand side - One under the other
Open brad and Paste on your Canvas
Resize by 30 and Sharpen More
Place on the right of the frame - Duplicate and place underneath
Merge these 2 together
Duplicate - Image - Mirror
Open paper09 and Paste on your Canvas
Send to the bottom and add a Mask of Choice
Merge Group
Add a Drop Shadow to every layer
Merge layers Visible
Resize if necessary
Add Correct Copyright and Licence Numbers
Sunday, 7 February 2010
Circle Leaning
I am using the art of Ray Leaning which you can find HERE
This is a free tube but you still need to use your licence number with it, please do NOT use this unless you have a proper licence to do so, you can obtain a licence number HERE
I am using the PTU kit No n Between by Deziners Utopia which you can find HERE
Mask of Choice
Font of Choice
Open a new image 400x400
Open Frames2 - Using your Selection tool, draw around the circle frame
Edit - Copy
Paste on your Canvas
Image - Resize by 70 - Sharpen More
Open the tube you are using and place on the frame
Mine looks as if she is sitting on the frame
Click inside the frame with your magic wand
Selections - Modify - Expand by 4
Open Paper Silk and Paste on your Canvas
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Move under the frame
Open Beaded Swirl and paste on your Canvas
Send to the bottom
Image - Resize by 30 and place to the left
Duplicate - Image - Mirror - Image - Flip
Merge these 2 together
Open Bow 2 and Paste on your Canvas
Image - Resize by 30 and then by 60 twice - Sharpen More
Place on either side of the frame
Open Paper Squares and Paste on your Canvas
Send to the bottom
Add a mask of choice and Merge Group
Open Flower 2 and Paste on your Canvas
Image - Resize by 20 and then by 70 twice
Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen More
Place on the top left of the frame
Layers - Duplicate - Place on the right of the frame
Merge these together
Add a Drop Shadow to every layer
Merge layers Visible
Resize if necessary
Add Correct Copyright and Licence Numbers
Roji Fantasy
I am using the art of Sonia Roji which you can find HERE
This is a Free tube by MPT, please do NOT use this image unless you have the correct licence to do so, you can obtain one HERE
I am using the PTU kit Clearly Yours by Aiya which you can find HERE
Mask of Choice
Font of Choice
Open a new image 400x400
Open Frame02 and Paste on your Canvas
Image - Resize by 60 and Sharpen
Place toward the bottom of the Canvas
Grab your magic wand and click inside the frame
Selections - Modify -Expand by 4
Open the tube you are using and place in the frame
Resize if necessary
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Move under the frame
Paste your tube again - Resize if the original was
Place exactly over the original and bring to the top
Erase any overhanging parts of the tube
Click inside the frame again with your magic wand
Selections - Modify -Expand by 4
Copy n Paste Paper10 as a new layer
Image - Resize by 60
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Move under the frame and tube layers
Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds
Width 2 - Opacity 20 - Colour White
Both Boxes Checked
Open ColoredMesh2 and Paste on your Canvas
Send to the bottom of the Canvas
Add a mask of choice
Merge Group
Open Heart5 and Paste on your Canvas
Image - Resize by 20 and Sharpen
Place on the top right side of the frame
Layers - Duplicate - Resize by 80 and place underneath the original
Duplicate again and resize by 80 - Place under the 2nd Duplicate
Open RosesPink and Paste on your Canvas
Image - Resize by 80 and Sharpen
Place on the left side of the frame - Duplicate
Place in the middle of the frame
Make sure they are both under your tube layer
Open Bear and Paste on your Canvas
Image - Resize by 20 - Sharpen More
Place on the bottom of the frame
Open Flower3 and Paste on your Canvas
Image - Resize by 20 and then by 80 - Sharpen More
Place on the bottom left of the frame
Add a Drop Shadow to every layer
Resize if necessary
Add Correct Copyright and Licence Numbers
Friday, 5 February 2010
Gorgeous Garv
I am using the art of Keith Garvey which you can find HERE
Please do NOT use this image unless you have the right licence to do so, you can obtain a licence HERE
I am using the PTU kit Pleasure by Wilma which you can find HERE
Mask of Choice
Font of Choice
Open a new image 400x400
Open lacedstarframe2 and Paste on your Canvas
Image - Resize by 60 and Sharpen
Place in the centre of your Canvas
Click inside the frame with your magic wand
Selections - Modify - Expand by 3
Open the tube you are using
Resize if necessary - Place inside the frame
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Move under the frame
Paste your tube again
Resize if the original was - Place exactly over the original
Move to the top of the layers
Grab your eraser and erase any over hanging parts
Click inside the frame with your magic wand again
Selections - Modify - Expand by 4
Open Paper1 and paste on your Canvas
Selections - Invert - Delete - Select None
Move under the frame and tube layer
Open Giftbow 1 and paste on your Canvas
Resize by 40 and Sharpen
Duplicate 3 times and place around the frame
Merge these layers together
Open fiber1 and Paste on your Canvas
Image - Resize by 50 - Sharpen
Send to the bottom and place to the right
Duplicate - Image - Mirror - Merge Down
Open Paper5 and Paste on your Canvas
Send to the bottom and add a mask of choice
Merge Group
Add a Drop Shadow to every layer
Resize if needed
Add Correct Copyright and Licence Numbers
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
Valentine Rac
I am using the art of Ismael Rac which you can find HERE
I am using the PTU kit Sweets for my Sweets by Sizzel which you can find HERE
Mask of Choice
Font of Choice
Open a new image 400x400
Open Frame2 and paste as a new layer
Image - Resize by 60 and Sharpen
Place in the centre of your Canvas
Click inside the frame with your magic wand
Selections - Modify - Expand by 5
Open Paper4 and paste on your Canvas
Selections - Invert - Delete
Move under the frame layer
Open the tube you are using and Paste on your Canvas
Place in the frame
Resize if necessary
Grab your eraser tool and erase the bottom half of the tube
Open ValentineChocolateBox and Paste on your canvas
Image - Resize by 20 - Sharpen More
Place on the bottom left of your Frame
Open BabyCupid and Paste on your Canvas
Image - Resize by 20 - Sharpen More
Place on the bottom right of the Frame
Open ValentineBalloons and Paste on your canvas
Resize by 50 and Sharpen
Place under your tube and to the left of the frame
Use your deform tool and angle it more to the left
Open Doodles1 and Paste on your canvas
Resize by 60 and Sharpen
Open Paper11 and Paste on your canvas
Send to the bottom and add a Mask of Choice
Merge Group
Give everything a drop shadow
Resize if necessary
Add Correct Copyright and Licence Numbers
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